About VIP Kidz
VIP Kidz Care is focused on providing services for child with special medical needs. We are equipped to handle the unique needs of these children, in a safe environment that supports learning and growth. Read More >
VIP Kidz mission is to enhance the lives of critically ill children and their families by providing personalized compassionate care.
Susie a Pediatric Intensive Care nurse with many years of clinical leadership experience. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from the University of Miami. Having worked for many years as a Pediatric Intensive Care nurse she has broad experience as a clinical leader with the ability to build rapport with patients, family, staff and physicians. As a bilingual healthcare professional, she relates well to people from a variety of cultures. Is dedicated to providing the best possible professional to meet the needs of the client and family members. Recognizing that each child and each family is unique. Families have different personalities, life experiences, values, beliefs, education, and religious and cultural backgrounds. Care provided should be equal to all patients and flexible so that the needs and choices of families can be met. Please feel free to contact me with any specific questions: 786-486-9513